Business+Tour Guide | SBS 5th Kpop Audition / New York East Village [Part II]

With light and sound team members who participated in this event, we took a tour of New York City and enjoyed delicious food. [We had dinner in the Lobster House which locates in the most famous Manhattan Chelsea Market as SBS had paid for it and I hoped to see they experience New York as much as possible as it was not the chance often coming. Just after 11 o'clock in the night, we finished dinner. I felt still not enough. New York City surprise tour continued till 2 AM.


One of these members still sometimes sent me a thanks message even though a year has passed since that day. <To. light and sound team> If you come to New York later again, let us go to eat more delicious food ~ I wish you are healthy until we meet together....

by guidemania 2,721 Views